Connect with David:

The critics have (mostly) been kind… so far! My work in various on-stage performances in New York and regionally has been described as “first-rate”, “excellent”, “masterful”, “charming”, “perfect”, “engrossing”, and “superb”…


The Beauty Queen of Leenane with Shakespeare & Company:

“… a prospective lover, played by a first-rate David Sedgwick.” (Ben Brantley, The New York Times)

“A hallmark of Sedgwick’s excellent performance as Pato is that he makes clear the fervor of the character’s own dreams” (Don Aucoin, The Boston Globe)

“David Sedgwick brings a needed gravitas to the role of Pato, … and the second act begins with Sedgwick’s masterful performance of the show’s celebrated monologue, his recitation of a letter exhorting Maureen to join him.” (B.A. Nilsson, Metroland)

“Pato Dooley (David Sedgwick, a charming and worthy successor to Brian O’Byrne who created the role originally)… His second act opening monologue in the form of an epistolary proposal is incredibly touching.” (Elyse Sommer, Curtain Up)

“Sedgwick comes through this performance into a star’s role in this company. He is that strong and endearing and in charge of his inner man. His debut role could lead to more roles in the future. He would be interesting to watch develop within the womb of this theater company family.” (J. Peter Bergman, Berkshire Bright Focus)

“the fine and manly Pato … In a wonderfully halting manner … speaks of his love for The Beauty Queen of Leenane” (Charles Giuliano, Berkshire Fine Arts)

“Pato Dooley (a winning and appealing David Sedgwick)” (Jeffrey Borak, The Berkshire Eagle)

“David Sedgwick (the beaux) whose gentleness and understanding is beautiful to watch” (Shera Cohen, In the Spotlight)

“Pato is one of my favorite male characters in modern drama, and I loved David Sedgwick in the role. If that Dolores Hooley (or is it Healey) ever gets tired of him I’ll take him off her hands!” (Gail M. Burns & Larry Murray, Berkshire on Stage)


The Club with Australian Made Entertainment:

“Laurie (David Sedgwick) is particularly charismatic…” (Marcina Zaccaria, TheaterPizzazz.com)

“Laurie’s management crisis and difficult personal history feel real, and Sedgwick modulates a complicated character nicely, going persuasively from reason to anger to resignation.” (Marc Miller, NYTheatreGuide.com)


A Moon for the Misbegotten with Luna Stage:

“First-rate theatre”; “masterfully directed”; “a perfect cast”; “an acting master class”; “Sedgwick is perfect as the alcoholic failed actor” (Rick Busciglio, Examiner.com)

“James Tyrone (David Sedgwick) … convincingly unburdens his fears and secrets” (Lori Sender, New Jersey News Room)

“The bittersweet affection among the play’s characters and their surrender to their own faults and fates build to heartrending effect”; “scenes between Sedgwick and Warden are engrossing” (Ronnie Reich, The Star-Ledger)

“David Sedgwick accurately projects the protective nonchalance behind which James Tyrone hides his pain…Sedgwick convincingly unleashes James’ painfully raw and debilitating emotions.” (Bob Rendell, Talkin’ Broadway)


Three Sisters with Seeing Place Theater:

“Daniela Thome is statuesque yet vulnerable as Olga and David Sedqwick charms as Vershinin. In fact, the tete a tete between Thome and Sedgwick as the show is nearing its end is the strongest moment of the performance.” (Joseph Samuel Wright, TheaterOnline.com)

“The romantic frisson between Erin Cronican and David Sedgwick is palpable and intense.” (W.Kenton, CulturalCapitol.com)

“Sedgwick’s Vershinin maintained … a subtle humor that was much appreciated.” (Christian Leadley, TimesSquare.com)


Dear Ruth with Retro Productions:

“Cunningham and Sedgwick nicely convey a long-married pair who are still amused by and sexually interested in one another.” (Marc Miller, Backstage)

“Heather E. Cunningham and David Sedgwick make an absolutely charming parental unit…” (Mateo Moreno, The Artswire)


Twelfth Night with Seeing Place Theater:

“As Orsino, the gentle and dignified-looking David Sedgwick does not only embody the respectability which his role requires; he is also a highly effective actor.” (Ron S. Covar, BestofOffBroadway.com)


What the Butler Saw at Gallery Players:

“David Sedgwick’s Dr. Prentice is very good at convincingly working on his feet to get himself out of jam after jam. You want to feel sorry for him but can’t, because his rapidly degenerating situation is too amusing to want to repair.” (J.Jordan, nytheatre.com)


The Fourth Estate at NY Fringe Festival 2010:

“…excellent performers … the cast is often top-notch, particularly Dennis Gagomiros and David Sedgwick, who give exceptionally grounded, gritty performances. Sedgwick plays two seemingly similar characters equally as compelling and believable with a subtl[et]y that gives each their own inner life. It’s a satisfying pleasure to see such acting skill … exceptional writing and acting.” (Lynn Berg, nytheatre.com)


Mr. Sensitivity at NY Fringe Festival 2009:

“…laugh-out-loud funny…Slinkard’s and Sedgwick’s repartee is among the play’s highlights.” (Michelle Zigas, Show Business Weekly)


Shining City at Shadow Lawn Stage:

“Sedgwick’s is an effective, understated performance… More is acted than spoken – and acted very well. … first-rate Theatre.” (Philip Dorian, Two River Times)


Darkness to Light at 12 Miles West:

“David Sedgwick is superb as the composer, shifting from recollections of an abused childhood to fame and fortune to his devastating loss of hearing.” (Liz Keill, Independent Press)


A Wedding Story at Stageworks/Hudson:

“Sedgwick, as Robin, displays glorious comic timing.” (Carol King, The Daily Gazette)