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Vershinin in 'Three Sisters' with The Seeing Place

March 9th to March 25th, 2012:

Currently playing the unhappily married and straying Colonel Vershinin in Brian Friel’s version of Chekhov’s masterpiece “Three Sisters” with the Seeing Place Theater.

Opening Friday March 9th at 7.30pm.

Tickets available here.

*** UPDATE *** – some reviews are up:

Daniela Thome is statuesque yet vulnerable as Olga and David Sedqwick charms as Vershinin. In fact, the tete a tete between Thome and Sedgwick as the show is nearing its end is the strongest moment of the performance.

The strength of this company is in its actors…The romantic frisson between Erin Cronican and David Sedgwick is palpable and intense.

A nod of recognition should also be given to standouts Brian Byus, David Sedgwick, and Justin Kress… Sedgwick’s Vershinin maintained a certain level of understated comedy throughout a good portion of the piece with a subtle humor that was much appreciated.