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'The Fourth Estate' at NY Fringe Festival

Today is the opening of our 5-show (Fringe Festival limit) run of Glenda Frank’s new play The Fourth Estate.

Directed by Rebecca Hengstenberg, and with a great cast, it’s a series of four vignettes relating to journalists and the dangers and challenges they face. I’m fortunate to be in two of the four pieces, playing an American editor and an Irish editor.

So, dialects a-hoy!

Follow the link above to buy tickets. See you at the show!

*UPDATE* – glowing review on nytheatre.com:

The cast is often top-notch, particularly Dennis Gagomiros and David Sedgwick, who give exceptionally grounded, gritty performances. Sedgwick plays two seemingly similar characters equally as compelling and believable with a subtlety that gives each their own inner life.